April 2010 Gallery, page 3

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Dotted about the garden are self-seeded primroses, which we plan to move into the garden beds before they are killed by being mown.
Oregon Grape
This colourful flower is Mahonia Aquifolium, otherwise known as Oregon Grape. It is the state flower of Oregon. Later on in the year it carries purple-black edible fruits, which we have made into jelly in previous years.
It is quite invasive and when we first bought the house the garden was infested with it. Luckily it is easy to dig up, and now it is confined to two small areas of the garden.
Tulip View
This picture, taken by Richard, shows a view looking down the garden.
The swathes of bulbs that can be seen to the left are mainly bluebells, which flower later in the month. In the meantime, we simply have a few mown paths so that we can get to the vegetable garden at the bottom.