April 2010 Gallery

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This is the larger of two magnolias in the garden, and is the more showy of the two.
The other magnolia is purple and flowers later in the month.
Pink Camellia
Behind the magnolia is a fairly slender camellia, which is unusual because it flowers from November until April. We have tried taking cuttings from it, but so far without success.
Red Camellia
Somehow this camellia survived having building work going on all around it. Now past its best, it is still covered in flowers.
We took about 40 cuttings from it last year. Initially, it looked as though every one had taken, as they were a good, dark green for months. However, it turns out the camellia cuttings can last a long time without rooting.
Most of the cuttings have now gone yellow and shrivelled up, but two may have actually rooted.